Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nationals Results

The results are in, and I got 34 points in 5 speeches, and we were on base 4.
Da Goose got 35, but he was in a different chamber. It's nice to know that we were virtually tied, given his godliness in public speaking.

I think the barrier was about 40-41, as that's where some people who broke were at. It was top 8, so it wasn't a strict point scale.

Oh well. That's how life goes I guess.


Han5nah T. the Manatee said...

Not to mention his godliness in other areas...OW OW!

Okay, that went a bit too far.

But it was funny.

CDave said...

True, true.

I'll leave the subject of my agreement ambiguous. Muahaha.

BTW, thanks for reading (and commenting) on my blog. It's nice to know I'm not just blogging randomly into the digital aether.